Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning looked like this:

Christmas Morning

My stocking was stuffed (by Paul) with Santa's Emergency Anti-stress Kit.

Antistress 1

(I am a psycho when my feet are wet and/or cold.)

Antistress 2

The mini-aquarium plugs into a USB port.

Antistress 3

This one is coming to work with me.

We made farm waffles with bacon cooked in

2007_12_25_Christmas 023

and ate them while we watched "A Christmas Story", which is the best Christmas movie of all time.

We went to my mom's place for dinner, which was a much smaller affair than usual. My cousin Amy


made me 'skullholders' for Christmas.

2007_12_25_Christmas 024

It was good to see my Grandpa. He had triple bypass surgery recently and was convinced he was going to die. He pulled through like a champion, although he is occasionally confused. He's also quite hard of hearing so this sometimes makes for interesting conversation.


Grandpa got tired of waiting for Mom to take the photo and just gave up and ate his brussel sprouts.


My sister and cousins Amy, Heather and Becky.


Robyn and I (Mom actually said that I was the "smart one" tonight. Granted this was right after I slammed my finger in a cupboard. Robyn is clearly the pretty one.)


Our attempt at a family photo. The chicken is standing in for Mom (of course). My fingers represent Jay and Ivy since they are far away and are therefore wee.

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