Friday, December 1, 2006

Dorktastic Oddments

Dork: a person who is deemed 'quirky', 'different', or 'eccentric' by others.

Fantastic: exceptionally good.

Dorktastic: exceptionally quirky and eccentric in a good way.

Oddments: a motley assortment of things, an oddity.

Dorktastic Oddments: a motley assortment of exceptionally quirky and eccentric things. In a good way.

It seems that every year around this time I have an Internet Identity Crisis (IIC). Three years ago I was Canoegirl. Last year I settled on "The Schaapsher Chronicles" for all of three days before deciding that I was both too easy to find and that the title was a bit too pretentious. Then, after a brief internet poll, I decided to change myself to "Some People Juggle Geese" (Funny but true) in honor of Firefly's Hoban Washburn. Well, the shine quickly wore off and I never really felt quite at home there. When you google "Some People Juggle Geese" you get a bajillion Firefly sites, and while I didn't really want to be singled out, I didn't like feeling quite so lost in the shuffle.

Yet again, a new year rolled around, a new Holidailies came along to inspire me, and yet again the identity crisis set in. It's so hard to encapsulate your identity into a few short words. Captain Cheese? Too specific. Back to Canoegirl? Not really me so much any more (although I am the half-owner of a beautiful new canoe now). "The Anti-Pineapple"? Again, too specific. The Volvo Pimp? Been there, done that. Woodenshoes? That only reflects my paternal heritage. I apparently need to be Captain Dutch Canoe Cheese Volvo Pimp hold the Pineapple. No, thank you.

I toyed briefly with just Dorktastic, because I felt that really defined me in a lot of ways but again, if you google Dorktastic you get a quintillion pages. Dorktastic Oddments is where I have settled and it might just manage to be broad enough for it to feel like home without being too restrictive and excluding other elements of my personality.

A motley assortment of exceptionally quirky and eccentric things. In a good way. Yup, that's me.

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