Friday, December 15, 2006

Everything's coming up Milhouse!

Today was Paul's official last day of work on his current contract. For the past five years, for as long as we've been together, Paul has been laid off some time in December or early in the new year (and twice on my birthday). Frankly, this sucks. It means that he's almost always depressed for Christmas and that money is short in the new year.

This year is different. This year, in the last week of his contract Paul was offered another position (basically, the exact same position) to work for eleven more months. He starts on monday. Hurray, no Christmas depression this year! Perhaps things are looking up for us.

We would very much like to purchase a home, which is quite difficult to do when only one of you has a permanent job and the other's job is so unpredictable. Now we have some consistency hopefully until the middle of next November.

This is also exciting because this contract will take him almost to the end of his schooling and he will have his Computer Systems Technology diploma, which will make him far more marketable. It looks like right now everything is coming up Milhouse! (The Simpsons reference is a symptom of marriage to Paul).

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