Monday, December 18, 2006


When I came home from work today, I discovered that someone had finally cleared the enormous piles of snow in our cul-de-sac (or whatever you call it when there's a cul-de sac with an alley coming out one side of it. Cul-de-salley?). Rather than pushing all of the snow out to the sides and on to the grass, they decided to create a giant island in the middle, leaving a strip of road around the outside to park and/or drive in, somewhat like a roundabout.

This cracked me up for several reasons:
(1) The island was made of water, but could not in any way be called a lake.
(2) The snowpile was over 7 feet tall (see evidence below; Paul is 6').
(3) The top of it looked like boobs (and I am 7). Come on! Giant boobs in the middle of the street that are not part of a feminist parade float! That's comedy gold!
(4) I have an odd sense of humour.

I think the most amazing thing about this photo is that no neighbourhood kids (of which we have many) had yet climbed this monstrosity and slid down it into oncoming traffic. That's the first thing I would have done when I was a kid (and then probably caught hell for sliding into traffic.)

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