Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Grinch

Our new neighbours moved in at the beginning of the month. Neighbours don't really register with us unless they annoy us (which most of them do, although there is a nice lady that walks her dog in booties and says hi to me, but then we don't share any walls with her). Our newest neighbour shares a back wall with us and we knew that something had changed because now we could hear a yappy little dog barking all the time.

Yappy dog scared the crap out of me the other day as I was walking to my car first thing in the morning. He came careening out of the bushes barking at the top of his lungs. (As an aside, for some reason I always type lunch instead of lungs which makes for some amusing sentences.) I am not a fan of yappy dogs at the best of times. I do not like noisy things (I make an exception for my husband, but not in the morning. Cordless headphones saved our marriage). If you know me at all, you know that I am not in any way a morning person and I do not react well to being startled, or even spoken to, before 8 a.m. (My old roommate and I used to communicate in grunts in the morning. It was good.) I nearly had heart failure. Stupid dog.

They had been moved in for less than a week when this monstrosity appeared:

Does it not seem a bit excessive to you?

I also hate people that are all moved in and settled and decorated immediately in a new place. It took Paul and I a year and a half to put up photos here. Not only do these people have everything decorated outside, but inside their tree is up and decorated and they have piney garland strung about the entire place. Our Christmas tree is out of storage and still in the box in our living room. The only reason it's out of storage is that we had to move it so maintenance could access the furnace.

I'm just waiting for one of the gazillion neighborhood dogs that pee absolutely everywhere to lift a leg on that giant inflatable snowman. I am clearly going to hell. (Why yes, I do answer to 'The Grinch'. Why do you ask?)

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